Tuesday, December 11, 2012

CYOE! Create Your Own Energy!

Don't be a consequence of your training, be the cause of your training.  If you can't use your day to motivate your workouts, then you need to leave your day at the door-of the gym or the starting line-of your run.  Personal and professional adversities and accomplishments can both be great motivators for your training. Knowing how to use each for your most productive workout can be just as important.  The end result of your training will be either exhaustion or exhilaration,  through the beneficial use of natural endorphin energy stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Gyms and Doctors who promote HCG or any other diet products are greedy quacks

If you are a "doctor" or own a gym and/or are a "personal trainer" and in the same breathe can promote the sale of diet products included but not limited to HCG, then you are a greedy quack.  You should not call your self a "health/fitness professional", call yourself what you are, a fraud with no one's best interest in mind except yourself's.  You are not advertising the side effects--short or long term-- and you have no interest in promoting the great benefits of exercise without the use of drugs--you are actually promoting drug addiction so you should just go ahead and let your clients know that you can't help them unless they become drug addicts!