Thursday, March 27, 2014

Combo of overweight, high sodium intake speeds cell aging in teens |

"Lowering sodium intake, especially if you are overweight or obese, may slow down the cellular aging process that plays an important role in the development of heart disease,"
Combo of overweight, high sodium intake speeds cell aging in teens |

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

CDC - Cancer - Resources - March Is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Colon Cancer prevention NOW! Do an herbal colon cleanse/detox! Your body will break down and your immune system will suffer if you have toxic bowels.

CDC - Cancer - Resources - March Is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Diabetes, High Blood Pressure Raise Kidney Disease Risk | CDC Features

Tips for Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy

Steps to help keep your kidneys healthy include the following:
  • Photo: Rural Farmer holding basket of vegetablesKeep blood pressure below 140/80 mm/Hg, but check with your health care provider for your appropriate target.
  • Stay in your target cholesterol range.
  • Eat foods lower in sodium.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Stay physically active.
  • Take your medications as directed.
If you have diabetes, take these steps, too:
  • Meet blood sugar targets as often as you can.
  • Have an A1c test at least twice a year, but ideally up to four times a year. An A1c test measures the average level of blood sugar over the past three months.
Diabetes, High Blood Pressure Raise Kidney Disease Risk | CDC Features

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Smartphone App Calms the Nerves | Science/AAAS | News

"Those who played the ABMT game displayed less nervous behavior and negative feelings afterward when they were required to give a short speech."

Smartphone App Calms the Nerves | Science/AAAS | News

When mothers are active so are their children – but many mothers are not | University of Cambridge

"It shows that young children are not ‘just naturally active’ and that parents have an important role to play in the development of healthy activity habits early on in life. The research also provides important evidence for policy makers to inform programmes that promote physical activity in families with young children. Its findings suggest that all family members can benefit from such efforts." - See more at:

When mothers are active so are their children – but many mothers are not | University of Cambridge

Shock-absorbing 'goo' discovered in bone | University of Cambridge

Bone is a living flexible organ, new findings about its compounds.

Shock-absorbing 'goo' discovered in bone | University of Cambridge

Monday, March 24, 2014

Selling a Poison by the Barrel: Liquid Nicotine for E-Cigarettes -

The whole idea of e-cigarettes is a bizarre one regardless of the apparent health risks..."These “e-liquids,” the key ingredients in e-cigarettes, are powerful neurotoxins. Tiny amounts, whether ingested or absorbed through the skin, can cause vomiting and seizures and even be lethal. A teaspoon of even highly diluted e-liquid can kill a small child."

Selling a Poison by the Barrel: Liquid Nicotine for E-Cigarettes -

Should Obesity Be a ‘Disease’? -

"Calling obesity a disease may make people feel better about their bodies, but it also may contribute to the maintenance, rather than reduction, of obesity."

"Obesity is a crucial public health issue with significant medical, psychological, economic and social consequences, and there is no simple response to it. Obviously, the prevention and management of obesity need to target its complex and multifaceted causes."

Should Obesity Be a ‘Disease’? -

Should Obesity Be a ‘Disease’? -

"Calling obesity a disease may make people feel better about their bodies, but it also may contribute to the maintenance, rather than reduction, of obesity."

"Obesity is a crucial public health issue with significant medical, psychological, economic and social consequences, and there is no simple response to it. Obviously, the prevention and management of obesity need to target its complex and multifaceted causes."

Should Obesity Be a ‘Disease’? -

Caprylic acid is one of the most commonly used - and effective - natural cures for candida infection.

The better brands of caprylic acid come in enteric coated or timed-released capsules to ensure that it gets released only when it reaches the colon – and that it is released slowly there, so that it goes through the entire length of the large intestines.

Caprylic acid is one of the most commonly used - and effective - natural cures for candida infection.

Childhood Abuse May Impair Weight-Regulating Hormones

"What we are seeing is a direct correlation between childhood adversity
and hormone impairment, over and above the impact abuse or neglect may
have on lifestyle factors such as diet and education,”

Childhood Abuse May Impair Weight-Regulating Hormones

Thursday, March 20, 2014

American Friends of Tel Aviv University: Not Just What You Eat

Adaptation!!  It doesn't take generations to make the physiological adjustments, our fat cells are adapting to our lifestyles, if this study is correct...
"We found that fat cells exposed to sustained, chronic pressure -- such as what happens to the buttocks when you're sitting down -- experienced accelerated growth of lipid droplets, which are molecules that carry fats.
"Contrary to muscle and bone tissue, which get mechanically weaker with disuse, fat depots in fat cells expanded when they experienced sustained loading by as much as 50%. This was a substantial discovery."
American Friends of Tel Aviv University: Not Just What You Eat

Tailoring people’s diet to minimise their health risk is a new scientific approach called personalised nutrition

"But part of the problem with customising dietary advice is that people often tweak the truth. “When you ask people to write down what they have eaten they try to cheat on you. They cheat on themselves too,” explains nutritional scientist Hannelore Daniel, "
“Often the people that need the diet the most are the ones that do not follow it,” explains José Ordovás, professor in nutrition and genetics at Tufts University,"

Read more:

Read more:

Tailoring people’s diet to minimise their health risk is a new scientific approach called personalised nutrition

Regular physical activity reduces breast cancer risk irrespective of age

"Practising sport for more than an hour day reduces the risk of contracting breast cancer, and this applies to women of any age and any weight, and also unaffected by geographical location, according to research presented to the 9th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-9). Compared with the least active women, those with the highest level of physical activity reduced their risk of breast cancer by 12%, researchers say"

Regular physical activity reduces breast cancer risk irrespective of age

Spices and herbs intervention helped adults reduce salt intake |

"Teaching people how to flavor food with spices and herbs is considerably more effective at lowering salt intake than having them do it on their own, according to research presented on Wednesday at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology & Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity & Metabolism Scientific Sessions 2014."

Spices and herbs intervention helped adults reduce salt intake |

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Forget the fakery! Teens tell us they’re not cool with Photoshop

“I think it’s up to parents, not just the media industry, to clarify for their children that the media is presenting imagery that is unrealistic and unattainable,” Diller says. Article - TODAY/AOL 'Ideal to Real' body image survey results

Monday, March 17, 2014

Hormone discovered that ‘predicts’ biological age

Does this mean that the obesity gene could be a farce since the body adapt to training? "Irisin itself is secreted from muscle in response to exercise and is capable of reprograming the body's fat cells to burn energy instead of storing it. This increases the metabolic rate and is thought to have potential weight loss effects, which in turn could help with conditions such as type-2 diabetes." 

Hormone discovered that ‘predicts’ biological age

Side Effects of Antidepressant Medications | Psych Central

Some of these side effects include weight gain, sleep disturbances (either interrupted or excessive sleep) and sexual dysfunction.

Side Effects of Antidepressant Medications | Psych Central

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Stroke prevention in women: guidelines set for the first time - Medical News Today

Stroke prevention in women: guidelines set for the first time - Medical News Today

High blood pressure in women 'more dangerous' than in men - Medical News Today


  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Staying physically active
  • Not smoking, and
  • Limiting alcohol use.
High blood pressure in women 'more dangerous' than in men - Medical News Today

Do Genes Have a Role in Obesity?

How Can You Tell If You or Your Family Members Are Overweight?


Omega-3 -6 and -9 to help a weight problem?

The difference between 3/6/9 oils and benefits of each.

Omega-3 -6 and -9 to help a weight problem?

Q: I often feel bloated and tired after meals. Do you have any tips to help me improve my digestion?

Q: I often feel bloated and tired after meals. Do you have any tips to help me improve my digestion?

Points Newsletter - Ask the Doctor - March 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

American Diabetes Association Alert Day®: American Diabetes Association®

Tuesday, March 25, 2014--7 symptoms a WOMAN may have diabetes: 1. overweight 2. running to bathroom often 3. blurry vision 4. losing weight for no reason (yes, there can be a reason) 5. there is a dark ring around your neck 6. you're getting yeast infections 7. age 45+.  Share this link with others, nutrition and exercise are effective for Type 2 diabetes--if discovered early!

American Diabetes Association Alert Day®: American Diabetes Association®

CDC Data & Statistics | Feature: Americans Consume Too Much Sodium (Salt)

Consume a maximum of 1500 mgs/day of sodium from all food and drink, 4700+ mgs/day of potassium per day.

CDC Data & Statistics | Feature: Americans Consume Too Much Sodium (Salt)

Emotion detectors could make driving safer

"Too many irritated/angry drivers in Atlanta metro--we need something to teach manners to drivers if they don't care about killing other people with their cars!! "Irritation, in particular, can make drivers more aggressive and less attentive. "

Emotion detectors could make driving safer

Friday, March 14, 2014

Article • American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)

I know 3rd article about digestion, it is just SSSSOOOO important!

Article • American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)

Exercise Helps Keep Your Psyche Fit

If you have not experienced the benefits of exercise mentally and emotionally--you are missing out!

Exercise Helps Keep Your Psyche Fit

To The Man Who Judged Me On The Westview Track - The Anti-Jared

Love this reply! "I am a runner. I was a runner at 420 pounds and I am a runner today.

And runners do one thing.
They run. Not write about other runners.
Tony Posnanski"
To The Man Who Judged Me On The Westview Track - The Anti-Jared

Feeding gut microbiota: Nutrition, probiotics key factors for digestive health -- ScienceDaily

This is more important than your training, nutrition is the most important part of your health/training.  I have been adding probiotics to women's supplement list for decades, due to antibiotics, poor nutrition/digestion, stress, etc.

Feeding gut microbiota: Nutrition, probiotics key factors for digestive health -- ScienceDaily

IBS and bloating: When gut microbiota gets out of balance -- ScienceDaily

Poor eating habits, denatured foods, too many antibiotics, stress, etc, etc!!

IBS and bloating: When gut microbiota gets out of balance -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Big kids

"Obese kids live in families with obese parents, and kids model their parents' behaviors," Epstein says."Obesity is now the second leading cause of death in the U.S. and is expected to beat out smoking to become the leading cause. It's a health-behavioral problem that's going to bankrupt the country," says 2012 APA President Suzanne Bennett Johnson, PhD,

Big kids

One out of two parents do not see their child´s weight problem - University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Be aware.
When asked..."the parents emphasized that there are many obstacles to being able to maintain healthy eating habits: long working days, financial limitations, and the constant availability and marketing of unhealthy food and drinks.
Another problem that was brought up was that other family members, like spouses and grandparents, broke the rules set up in the home."
One out of two parents do not see their child´s weight problem - University of Gothenburg, Sweden

One in five older Americans take medications that work against each other | News & Research Communications | Oregon State University

I am sure you know someone who this concerns:  "More than 9 million older adults in the U.S. are being prescribed medications that may be causing them more harm than benefit,"

One in five older Americans take medications that work against each other | News & Research Communications | Oregon State University

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

New Study Highlights Strong Anti-Cancer Properties of Soybeans

This is worth reading: "soybean meal significantly inhibited cell growth by 73% for colon cancer, 70% for liver cancer and 68% for lung cancer cells using human cell lines."

New Study Highlights Strong Anti-Cancer Properties of Soybeans

Diabetes: We are in it together | Newsroom - McGill University

Be Aware! "We found a 26% increase in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes if your spouse also has type 2 diabetes,"

Diabetes: We are in it together | Newsroom - McGill University

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Nobelist James Watson proposes an unconventional view of type 2 diabetes causation

"Watson suggests, exercise, which promotes oxidation, plausibly can have a beneficial effect on those with high blood sugar. Such benefit would be lessened if not abolished, he speculates, if such an individual consumed large quantities of antioxidants "

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Nobelist James Watson proposes an unconventional view of type 2 diabetes causation