Monday, December 23, 2013

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Toxic Tampons: How Ordinary Feminine Care Products Could Be Hurting Women | Alternet

"the report urges women to not only choose “unscented” or “fragrance free” alternatives, but to opt for products that have not been bleached with chlorine and those that are made from organic cotton" Toxic Tampons: How Ordinary Feminine Care Products Could Be Hurting Women | Alternet

Study: Pay kids to eat fruits & veggies with school lunch

So I guess there have been no fruit or vegetable requirements previously?
  • A new federal rule requires a serving of fruits or vegetables on every tray
  • 70 percent is thrown away, wasting an estimated $3.8 million daily 
  • Offering a small reward doubles fruit and vegetable consumption without the waste
Study: Pay kids to eat fruits & veggies with school lunch

Kathy's Egg and Veggie Souffle'

(serving 2 adults & 2 children)

Whip the eggs with milk:
4 large, raw, beaten egg whites
Add 1 large, raw, beaten egg white per child & 2 egg whites per adult
1/4 cup fat free organic milk
(A total of 8 egg whites for 2 adults & 2 children)

Saute' Mixture:
2 tbsp grapeseed or sesame seed oil (can add a little soy sauce for flavor)
1/4 cup chopped onions
1/4 cup chopped green, red or orange peppers (or a combination)
1 tbsp fresh minced ginger (all spices to taste, add more if you like!)
1 tbsp fresh minced garlic
1 tbsp powdered spices-turmeric, giner, anise, paprika, parsley, etc.
1 tbsp black/white pepper

Optional ingredients:
2 cups of your choice:  diced sweet potatoes or yams, broccoli, cauliflower, cherry tomato halves, hot peppers. chives, chopped cabbage, squash, kale,  or eggplant etc.(clean out the crisper!)
3 tbsp milled or ground flaxseeds
1/3 cup low fat (1%) ricotta, cottage cheese or soft tofu (or a combination)
 1/4 cup salsa

Place oven on 350 degrees.  Saute' the "saute' mixture" until onions and peppers are cooked, add this to the whipped egg whites and milk in a large mixing bowl.  Then add in the "optional ingredients", combine all ingredients thoroughly.  Place the ingredients in a large iron skillet or glass baking dish (can spray w/Pam).  Bake for 30-45 minutes@350 degrees (time depends on your oven).  The soufle' will be cooked when it is brownish and firm to the touch on the top.  Let the souffle' cool for a couple of minutes, slice and serve warm topped with your favorite sauces.
Kathy Jordan

Thursday, December 19, 2013

News: Availability of food increases as countries' dependence on food trade grows - Aalto University

More animal product (and animal by-product) consumption and overeating high calorie foods have added to our obese populations (globally).  If we were more vegetarian (whole foods--grains, veggies, fruits, nuts, etc.) consumers than animal consumers (of course, vegetarian can result in a poor diet if it is not whole food based, so dismissing the consumption of sugar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, soy oils,  and other  denatured/manufactured food products which are vegetarian and non-animal products as being healthy vegetarian), this would provide more food for the world--the animal is eating grains and greens (and likely steroid injections unless stated otherwise) that we could be eating instead--one less step in the food chain production, direct consumption of vegetables and grains by humans.  If you try a whole foods vegetarian diet, I guarantee you will feel more energetic, lose weight, be more "regular" and be in a better mood (energy, protein, fiber, endorphin all come from non-animal products, while animal products offer protein, fat, and slower digestion)....

"The proportion of people consuming large amounts (more than 15 per cent of energy intake) of animal-based nutrition has increased from 33 per cent to more than 50 per cent. This together with over consumption of calories in many countries is putting an increased pressure on the planet's limited natural resources. At the same time, however, over a third of the world's population is still living with insufficient food supply."News: Availability of food increases as countries' dependence on food trade grows - Aalto University

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Diabetes drugs affect hearts of men, women differently | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis

Another reason to control your weight through diet and exercise...all drugs have side effects that are usually worse than the disease being treated, unfortunately.  Just be responsible about your own health.Diabetes drugs affect hearts of men, women differently | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis

An apple a day keeps the doctor away | BMJ

Isn't this an old cliche'?  Diets and Scientific studies are just like fashion, allow enough time and you will see them repeated.   An apple a day keeps the doctor away | BMJ

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

High-fat diet during puberty speeds up breast cancer development

It is not about being obese or overweight ~"Early evidence indicates that the fat, which in this case was saturated animal fat, could potentially have permanent effects even if a low-fat diet is introduced later in life". - fHigh-fat diet during puberty speeds up breast cancer development

Health Care Costs Steadily Increase With Body Mass -

This makes sense...Health Care Costs Steadily Increase With Body Mass -

‘Superbugs’ found breeding in sewage plants

This a serious health concern!  ‘Superbugs’ found breeding in sewage plants~"There's no antibiotic that can kill them. We only realized they exist just a little while ago when a Swedish man got infected in India, in New Delhi.~cannot be treated...

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Relieve Constipation Daily with your Diet--Foods to Add

There are many factors which should be considered when you are constipated.  They include but are not limited to: diet, stress, hydration, physiological development of your digestive system, age, the care of your digestive system over the years, medications, time to have a bowel movement, and psychological attitude regarding the elimination process (Often learned behavior growing up--Is it important, embarrassing, necessary evil, an inconvenience, etc.).

Foods which assist in naturally preventing or relieving constipation either add bulk to your diet, cause peristaltic action in the digestive system, and/or promote the development of a good environment for foods to be properly digested, absorbed and excreted.   It is necessary to be consistent with the addition of these foods daily if you want to have regular bowel movements.  These foods include but are not limited to:  Spinach, bananas, sesame seeds, sesame oil, honey, pears, prunes, peaches, apples, apricots, walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, alfalfa sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, beets, okra, cabbage, papaya, coconut, sweet potato, asparagus, large lima beans, black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, mung beans, figs, oat bran, rice bran, wheat bran, honey, psyllium husks, flax seeds, broccoli, etc.

Kathy Jordan

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

‘State of Play: Trophy Kids,’ TV review  - NY Daily News

I am thankful to have had supportive parents, not obsessive parents, who allowed me to find my own personal passion and to excel in sports and fitness. No need for additional pressure from parents and the public, allow a child to have fun in physical activity without judgement and requirements. Too often it is the parent's dream seeking fulfillment. If it is for financial gain such as a scholarship, don't sacrifice a future to make it happen, the end may not be what you wished for...take a look at the series.‘State of Play: Trophy Kids,’ TV review  - NY Daily News

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Political Correctness Could Affect Holiday Weight Gain: Fuqua researchers discover an unexpected reason you may pick unhealthy options

Would you be politically correct or make a choice independent of how you might be perceived?  How about you let the other person choose their on food item...Political Correctness Could Affect Holiday Weight Gain: Fuqua researchers discover an unexpected reason you may pick unhealthy options

How Can Americans Be Both Obese and Starving?

I always ponder this question when I see those celebrity ads asking us to donate because kids are starving in America--not to say that there are children who are NOT getting NUTRITIOUSLY healthy meals which can result in malnutrition (children and adults), however, the high calorie, sugary foods they may be eating may also result in overweight/obesity. How can our statistics be simultaneously so opposing and so true? The author posts his opinion, he states there are statistics on "a link between poverty and obesity", I would say that's probably statistically correct, although, we have evolved to a point where economics, culture, heritage and education are no longer exempting qualifications from the obesity and diabetes...disease phenom or "gene".How Can Americans Be Both Obese and Starving?

How to Become an Exercise Addict - ABC News

Some suggestions make sense, some don't--find what is right for you!How to Become an Exercise Addict - ABC News